Tuesday, July 23, 2024

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Devastating Effects of Climate Change: Earth to be Covered in Snow Within a Year

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Until now, it was believed that we may have some time left. However, a recent research paper published in the journal Nature Communications claims that the Gulf Stream could shut down by 2025 due to the rapid melting of glaciers. This means that a large part of the Northern Hemisphere will experience an ice age without the heat from the Gulf Stream.

Without the Gulf Stream’s heat, scientists believe that the average temperature in parts of North America, Asia, and Europe could drop by up to 15 degrees Celsius within a few decades, compared to normal. They fear that this could have a serious cascading effect around the world.

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The Gulf Stream forms in the western North Atlantic Ocean. This warm ocean current flows north from the Gulf of Mexico, turns east off the coast of Florida, and flows northeast across the Atlantic. This current carries warm, salty water north. It brings heat from tropical regions to high-latitude regions. It carries heat from the equator to the polar region. It also affects the weather in the areas it passes through.

The devastating effects of climate change are becoming increasingly apparent. And one of the most ominous signs is the rapid melting of glaciers around the world. These ice rivers were once thought to be eternal. It was thought that they would never melt. But now they are melting extensively due to rising temperatures. Which has created an existential crisis for the entire world.

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