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Heroes Of Haifa Movie: Story of a handful of brave men, who won the battle with spears, spears and machine guns in Israel

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If you have any interest in modern history, then you must have heard about the Battle of Haifa during the First World War. If you haven’t heard, we will let you know. This battle took place on 23 September 1918 in Haifa, Israel’s famous place. Germany, Austria and their allied forces were determined to capture the Israeli city of Haifa. But, the cavalrymen who arrived from Jodhpur, Mysore and Hyderabad of India, not only killed these invaders by climbing the hill with the help of shields, spears and balams, but also saved Haifa from Hitler’s capture. Now India and Israel are going to make a mega budget film on this fight together. It was announced in Israel on the eve of this war.

Indian filmmakers Piyush Singh, Ashwini Chowdhury, Miten Shah and Atul Pandey announced a mega-budget film ‘Heroes of Haifa’ with Israeli officials in the Israeli city of Haifa on the eve of the Haifa War. During the First World War, on 23 September 1918, a special ceremony was organized on this occasion for the indomitable courage of the Indian cavalry soldiers and remembering the valor of these brave soldiers, tributes were paid to them.

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The Battle of Haifa, which is counted among the most glorious wars in modern history, tells that on that day the Indian soldiers showed their morale, strategy and skills to the world. It happened that Germany, Austria and their allied forces had arrived in Israel to capture the fortress located on the hills of Haifa. These soldiers, gathered in the number of hundreds, had modern machine guns, cannons and all the ammunition. On the other hand, the cavalrymen of Jodhpur Lancers, Mysore Lancers and Hyderabad Lancers in the Indian contingent that arrived to help Israel had only spears and spears in the name of weapons.

These handful of cavalrymen started climbing the hill with the tactic that they reached the top while escaping from the bullets being rained from above. With his spears and spears, he killed all the enemies and drove the rest from there. A monument to these cavalry soldiers still stands on the most important square of the city of Haifa. The story of the Battle of Haifa has been included in the school curriculum of Israel since then.

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Indian-based film company Golden Ratio Films is going to make ‘Heroes of Haifa’ on Battle of Haifa, in which Atul Pandey of Hundred Films and Miten Shah of Yeelstar Films have also joined hands. Piyush Singh, Co-Founder and Group COO, Vistas Media Capital, Investor Company of Golden Ratio Films, said, “We are extremely proud to have this partnership. The film ‘Heroes of Haifa’ is the story of those brave soldiers who were lost somewhere in the pages of history.


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