Wednesday, July 24, 2024

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How can you know, how many users are using your WiFi network?

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There are several ways to determine how many devices are connected to your WiFi network:

Router’s web interface: Many routers have a web interface that can be accessed by entering the router’s IP address in a web browser. This interface often includes a page that displays information about connected devices, such as the device name, IP address, and MAC address.

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Command line interface: Some routers can be accessed via a command line interface (CLI) using a program like Telnet or SSH.
You can use commands like “arp -a” on windows or “arp -n” on mac/Linux to get the list of IPs and their corresponding MAC addresses connected to your router.

Router’s mobile app: Some routers can be managed using a mobile app, which may include information about connected devices.

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Network scanning tools: There are also various network scanning tools available that can detect connected devices. For example, you can use the command “nmap -sn [IP address]” to scan your network using the Nmap tool.

Note that, some devices may be connected to the network but not actively used or connected to the internet. It is also possible that some connected device is hidden from the network and won’t show up.

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